Saturday, July 19, 2008

the great train robbery

Last night I came down to the no parents no rules party, and spent the night in Point Pleasant. I think the different bed, plus my afternoon's adventures with Chelsea, lead to a dream where I was on a quest for a rootbeer float.

Someone and I were at a hunting supply store, on the walls were bullets and camouflage vests and boots and guns, but in the corner were snacks. This friend and I decided it would be a good idea to steal rootbeer from this place, and also a pack of gum each. We each had the goods, and went in some virtual shooting range room to put it in our back packs. I saw a camera and babied out, while my friend insisted it was ok. We left the secret room and went back into the main store, where the workers seemed suspicious. My friend told me to watch how it worked.
He put his backpack on and bolted out the door.
Everyone in the store chased him out.
I didn't know what to do, surely he'd be arrested for stealing the rootbeer and Wrigleys.

I tried to casually walk out of the store, and wandered aimlessly around the neighborhood hoping not to be recognized. Those gun clerks were crazy. Thanks to his rash move, I got away scotch free with my rootbeer and gum out of the hunting store. I was too shaken up to make the float, though.

I didn't hear from my friend until about a month later, when we ran into each other at the horse racing track. The horse I was betting on wore a pink flowered lei.
Somehow we avoided talking about the rootbeer incident. Instead, we walked to some sort of bog and I think sunk in a little.

Oh, my horse lost. There was wayy too much drag with that dumb lei.

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